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Three New Deacons Print
Thursday, 18 October 2007 17:24

18th of October, 2007, in the Evangelical Baptist church, Kofor-Yassif, a service took place to asign three new Deacons: Mary Sabbah, Alis Farah, and Rania Khoury. During the service, Pastor Khalid Dally preached, tought, and gave advices to the new asigned Deacons about their God calling job. The preaching was followed by prayer for special blessing.

Pastor Endrauis was the special speaker of that night. He preached about the work in the church through the special services team. After that, Pastor Khalid called on each and every team in the church for special prayer and anointed them with oil.
The special teams of the church are:
The Prayer Team, The teaching team, The team of spreading to word, The special team of young youth caring, The children ministers, the young adults' ministers, the worship team and music ministry, and the leaders of all special events, the women's ministry, the online managers, and the manager of the Christian radio service, Voice Of Hope, least and not last, the special team of visitors that visit brothers and sisters in christ.

After the service, the entire attendence went to the outside hall for fellowship, coffee, and sweets.
Special prayers to our church.




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