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back To Jerusalem Conference-07/2009 Print
Tuesday, 14 July 2009 16:26

Back To Jerusalem 2009

Last Saturday the three days conference entitled "Back to Jerusalem" (08-10\07\2009) ended. There was a multicultural participation, Arabs and foreign from different countries, South Africa, Sudan, England, and America. Nevertheless, the foreign participants had been hosted, the week after the conference, by believers from different towns and villages in order to help with building God's Kingdom with the Israeli Arab believers.


اثناء العبادة والتسبيح

اثناء الخدمة الاخيره

The principal preacher was Mr.Josh McDowell, whom considered himself an atheist person, believing that Christian is worthless; however, he discovered very convincible evidences that prove the existence and the trustiness of God. As soon as he accepted Jesus Christ as a savior his life changed entirely, and God's strength and love is obvious in his life. In 1961, he joined the "Life Agape" organization, after period of time Josh McDowell established his ministry, based on a vision, of communication with the youth around the word and convey Jesus' love message, during the 48 year of serving God, Josh wrote more than 112 books.
Josh Macdowel Josh Macdowel

The worshiping time, led by "The Lord is my Banner" team with the leader of the team pastor Khalid dally (in Arabic language), whom surprised not only Arabs but also foreign that felt during the worship time the unity in God like they all speak one spiritual language.   

 الرب رايتي

فريق الرب رايتي


Moreover, the "One Man" team led the English worship time, consist of Arabs and Jews believer –in order to exhibit the unity in one body. Mrs.Karin Davis led the team, and the instrumentalists were Pastor Yousef  Dakwar- electric guitar, Mrs.Maroon Bem- drums, Mrs.Rony Kheresh- bass guitar, and Mrs.Steev Karenter participate with the intonation. The presence of God was obvious during the worship. In the beginning and the conference's end the tow teams intoned together the "Days of Elijah" hymn, in tow languages (Arabic & English).

فريق كنيسة الكرمل


كيرن ديفيس
Mr.Josh McDowell's style of preaching is, sharing practical stories, and the lessons he learned from them, and how he build his character. He also shared about his miserable childhood with his alcoholic father, and his family's difficult situation. Josh ended with an encouraging message about how our Great God turned this broken child to a man that speaking about God and his Goodness courageously. 


جوش كدويل

The second day, most of the participants separated to group as ages, to distribute "packages" that contain Christian books and a move speak about Jesus. In only one hour almost over than 2000 packages were distributed, in the old Jerusalem's neighborhood and outside it. There were different reactions, part of the people accepted it with pleasure, and other resisted it or burned it. Our prayers that may God use the seeds we spread for the salvation.

الباكيدج- الهدايا للتوزيع
اثناء التوزيع

In the last day pastor Majdi Anwar-the manager of "Life Agape" organization in the holy land- spoke about Jesus Christ's church's role in spreading God's word, and speaking about him, for it's a commandment that Jesus Christ gave us, and we can make it works when there is unity and cooperation as one body.

القس رجائي والاخ جوش مع هدية شكر للاخ جوش

الاخ سامر عوده مع الاخ جوش ماكدويل احد الاخوه من السودان مع الاخ جوش ماكدويل

عائلة القس مجدي انور مع الاخ جوش

عائلة الاخ بدر منصور والاخ جوش

شكر خدمة الاطفال 

Finally, "Life Agape" team had been thanked for the hard work they exerted to organize and  the hospitality for the local and foreign participants, so they deserve our thanks and appreciation. Thank God


here are some pictures from the back to jerusalem conference 
1st Day Gallery .. 2nd Day Gallery .. 3rd Day Gallery

Comments (1)add
Great Conference
written by Samoel , July 15, 2009
we had a great conference
God Bless all who arrange this conference in Jesus Name
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