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Global Day Of Prayer 2009 Print
Sunday, 19 July 2009 12:58
Global Day Of Prayer 2009Global day of prayer 2009 event took place in Nazareth on Pentecost Sunday the 31st in the Golden Crown hotel. Where hundreds of believers from all over the land has gathered to pray and intercede for the land. In addition many also have joined the locals via the Internet, during the online broadcasting of the event on Linga wesite. Global day of prayer this year was a historic moment event all over the world due to the fact that this year all the world with the 220 nations, have united in one prayer each for their lands and people.

The event was sponsored by the evangelical convention of the churches in Israel and the house of prayer & exploits in Nazareth directed by Rania Sayegh. The event took around 5 hours, where during the program Saleem Hanna was the MC of the event. in the beginning Monder Naoom the president of the convention have opened with a word to encourage believers to pray and stand like Nehemiah did when he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. 
Following that Rania Sayegh has opened with a verse from Rev 5:8-10, encouraging believers to pray and stand in the gap for the land, filling the golden vials with the incense of the prayers of the saints.

We have entered into His presence by worshiping & praising the Lord in our midst, where worship was lead by "The Lord my banner" team lead by Pastor Khalid Dalleh
After the worship Ps. Magdy Anwar has delivered a touching message about the 7 churches in Revelation, and spoke about different issues the Lord was convicting the churches on and asking them to repent on that. Then he lead God's people to humble themselves by kneeling and repenting on several issues in our hearts that we need to make it right before GOD, and renew our covenant with Him. It was a blessed word that called God's people to repentance. 

Following the repentance time, there were several prayer points lead by different leaders, like unity, harvest, government, the outpouring of the Spirit in the day of Pentecost and for the young generation whom have been vital part in the global day of prayer event. The Lord have brought brokenness among God's people and the leaders when Ps. Magdy called the leaders/pastors of the churches/ministries to join in one heart and accord demonstrating the unity in the body of Christ, by standing as one man holding hands and praying with God's people. These were a blessed moments which we believe have brought pleasure to God's heart!

At the end of the event God's people lifted one prayer before GOD, the prayer for the world which is prayed in this day all over the globe. The local churches in Israel has joined the millions of believers all over the world with one cry in their hearts, come and heal our land Lord!
These are unique days where the prayer movement is sweeping all over globe, and each and every believer who took part and prayed in this event, have been part of the biggest prayer meeting that have ever took place in recorded history! Glory to GOD!
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